Data Engineering

The data engineer is someone who develops, constructs, tests and maintains architectures, such as databases and large-scale processing systems.

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Equipped with the right variety of languages and tools we are a team of multi-skilled and curious data specialists who are always up for a challenge and scale.
We will help you deal with varied type and volume of data generated by a human, machine or a cosmic event. We provide Data warehousing, Data Lake and ETL/ELT through Data Extraction, Data Processing and Data Modelling.

Data Engineering



We have worked with various industry-wide data warehouses like Teradata, Netezza etc and can help you architect data within them .


We will help you build your data lakes on big data platform of your choice. We have extensively worked with big data distributions like Cloudera , MAPR , Horton-works etc to build enterprise-wide data lakes.


Our data engineers are equipped with varied ETL and ELT tools. We have worked extensively and are partners to ETL companies like Talend, Informatica, Stream Sets etc..


Data Extraction

Data extraction requires a careful balance of speed and flow without putting pressure on the source systems and achieving the desired throughput.Some of the open source tools which we frequently use are Sqoop, Flume, Kafka Connect, NFS ingestion etc.

data processing

Data processing at scale requires a good know-how of distributed processing. We have worked extensively with open-source distributed processing frameworks like Spark , Spark Streaming, Map-Reduce , Flink , High-Performance computing etc which provide the required scale and agility.

data modeling

Data modelling is the key step in solving desired business goals. We have great expertise in big data modeling which requires careful choice of data formats and technologies. Our data models have out-performed traditional data warehouses in speed , scale and coverage.